• History of Psychiatry

    Freud’s Legacy

    Freud brought into our awareness and is recognized for such concepts as the “id,” “ego”, “superego” and “Oedipus complex.” But what has survived in modern psychoanalytic practice, amidst a prevailing environment in psychiatry today of the biological and pharmacological, is the power of the unconscious mind and our past as it affects our current life and issues. The American Psychoanalytic Association  (APsaA), which was founded in the year 1911, is still in existence today. They stress the psychoanalytic framework as consisting of individual uniqueness, unconscious factors influencing one’s behavior, the past’s relevance to the present and that the process of human development is ongoing throughout life; all consistent with Freudian views.…

  • History of Psychiatry

    The Freud Jung Letters

    April 21, 1974 By  LIONEL TRILLING http://www.nytimes.com/books/97/09/21/reviews/jung-freud.html THE CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN SIGMUND FREUD AND C.G. JUNG Edited by William McGuire. Translated by Ralph Manheim and R.F.C. Hull. The relationship between Sigmund Freud and C. G. Jung had its bright beginning in 1906 and  came to its embittered end in 1913.  Its disastrous course was charted by the many letters the two  men wrote each other.  Of these a few have been lost but there are 360 extant, of which 164 are  from Freud, 196 from Jung.  In 1970 the Freud and Jung families made the enlightened decision  that this correspondence was to be edited as a unit, and it is now…