Military History – Research History

Military History

  • Military History,  World War II

    The Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Following the defeat of Germany at the end of World War ll, the city of Berlin became divided. The Soviets took over the eastern side, while the west was controlled by the major Western Allies. This created not only a geographical division, but also one in ideology as well. The Iron Curtain Map The Berlin Wall was first erected during the night of August 13, 1961 by East German soldiers using bricks and barbed wire. Over a period of time the brick and wire were replaced by a high, concrete wall. Guard towers were built allowing day and night, armed surveillance. This divide separated family and friends from each other.…

  • Military History,  World War l

    World War I Submarine Discovered

    It has been over 103 years since Australia’s first submarine was lost during World War I. This long sought for discovery follows at least 12 prior attempts to find the wreckage over several decades. Contact was made by the AE1 with an Australian ship at 2:30 pm on September 14, 1914; the day of its disappearance off the New Guinean Island of New Britain.   The reason for AE1’s sinking remains a mystery and is not presumed combat related. Nearby islanders claimed to have seen what they described as a “devil fish” and “monster” on that day, which quickly appeared before descending back under the dark cover of water.  …

  • Military History,  World War l

    World War I Facts

    World War 1 began on July 28, 1914 and lasted until November 11, 1918. Differences in foreign policies were to blame, although the immediate cause was the assassination of Austria’s Archduke Ferdinand. The two main sides were the Allies, which included France, Great Britain and Russia; and Germany and Austria-Hungary. In total, 30 countries were involved in the conflict. Italy, once part of the Triple Alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary, fought on the side of the Allies. Soldiers fought largely in trenches during the war, and thousands suffered from stress, known as shell-shock. The British and French trenches were often squalid, whereas the German trenches were almost luxurious in comparison,…

  • Military History,  World War l

    How World War One Started and the Timeline That Followed

    1914 June 28th Francis Ferdinand assassinated at Sarajevo July 5th Kaiser William II promised German support for Austria against Serbia July 28th Austria declared war on Serbia August 1st Germany declared war on Russia August 3rd Germany declared war on France and invaded Belgium. Germany had to implement the Schlieffen Plan. August 4th Britain declared war on Germany August 23rd The BEF started its retreat from Mons. Germany invaded France. August 26th Russian army defeated at Tannenburg and Masurian Lakes. September 6th Battle of the Marne started October 18th First Battle of Ypres October 29th Turkey entered the war on Germany’s side. Trench warfare started to dominate the Western Front.…

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  • Military History

    North Korean Victory Day Parade Marks 60th Anniversary

    Many remember, what is sometimes called the “Forgotten War” , that ended sixty years ago on July 27, 1953. It would be another six years before my birth, but my father, alive and serving in the United States Marine Corp, fought in and survived the Korean War, as well as, World War ll. Why is it that the Korean War, lasting from 1950-1953, is sometimes referred to, as the Forgotten War, despite the devastating loss of life, two million deaths for the Chinese and North Koreans and 450,360 for the U.S.-led United Nations coalition?One answer is that the other wars eclipsed it. There was World War II, Vietnam, Desert Storm and the recent conflict in Iraq…

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