Famous Scientists
First Known LSD Experience in History
It was in 1943 when Swiss scientist Albert Hofmann (credited with the synthesis and discovery of LSD-25) inadvertently ingested lysergic-acid-diethylamide, (easy to do since it only takes an infinitesimal amount to become activated in the human mind) , from leftover ergot fungus, which grows in rye kernels. This left over fungus, as recounted by Hoffmann, had been setting on a shelf in a jar for five years after having been tested in animals only. Below is an account of the 1943 synthesis experience with the left over fungus in Dr. Hofmann’s own words: ” In the final step of the synthesis, during the purification and crystallization of lysergic acid diethylamide in the…
DNA Code Made Easy
Francis Crick and James Watson have been famous for discovering Deoxyribonucleic acid’s double helix structure, since Feb. 28, 1953, when they exclaimed that they had accomplished the amazingly unimaginable feat of discovering the secret of life, in an English pub of all places. Those British diners had as much of a chance understanding the complexities of DNA’s double helix as a school child. Yet, Francis Crick managed to give a simplified summation of the collection of nucleotides that make us unique, along with a scrawled-out illustration, in a letter to his 12 year-old son. That hand written letter, dated March 19, 1953, was auctioned off at Christie’s last week for a Sale Total including Buyer’s Premium of …
Einstein’s God Letter
Below is an excerpt from the letter Einstein wrote in German in the year 1954. This letter, coined the “God Letter” by a Los Angeles-based auction agency, is up for auction on Ebay with a starting bid of $3 million. The World renown physicist wrote the letter to Jewish philosopher Eric Gutkind a year before his death. The letter sheds some light on the religious views he held towards the end of his 76 years of life. “For me the Jewish religion like all other religions is an incarnation of the most childish superstitions. And the Jewish people to whom I gladly belong and with whose mentality I have a…