• America,  American Flag,  Firsts in History

    First American Flag

    Five myths about the American flag By Marc Leepson, Published: June 10, 2011 1. Betsy Ross made the first American flag. The Betsy Ross story is the most tenacious piece of fiction involving the flag. There simply is no credible historical evidence — letters, diaries, newspaper accounts, bills of sale — that Ross (then known as Elizabeth Claypoole) either made or had a hand in designing the American flag before it made its debut in 1777. The story cropped up in 1870, almost 100 years after the first flag was supposedly sewn, when William Canby, Ross’s grandson, told the Historical Society of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia that his grandmother made the…

  • Science

    The Oldest Surviving US Shuttle

    Discovery on Thursday(April 20, 2012) became the first spaceship of the retired US shuttle fleet to enter its permanent home as a museum artifact, marking a solemn end to the 30-year manned spaceflight program. The oldest surviving US shuttle, Discovery flew 39 missions to space beginning in 1984 and its transition from space-flying giant to tourist attraction drew mixed emotions from NASA veterans and space fans alike. Discovery ended its last mission to space in March 2011, and the return to Earth of Atlantis in July 2011 marked the end of the US shuttle program, leaving Russia as the only nation capable of sending astronauts to space. “The space shuttle…

  • Psychology

    Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

    A Theory of Human Motivation A. H. Maslow (1943) Originally Published in Psychological Review, 50, 370-396. [p. 370] I. INTRODUCTION In a previous paper (13) various propositions were presented which would have to be included in any theory of human motivation that could lay claim to being definitive. These conclusions may be briefly summarized as follows: 1. The integrated wholeness of the organism must be one of the foundation stones of motivation theory. 2. The hunger drive (or any other physiological drive) was rejected as a centering point or model for a definitive theory of motivation. Any drive that is somatically based and localizable was shown to be atypical rather…

  • Family History

    Preserve & Organize Your Family History

    Family History Organizers Native American Ancestry Scholarly Books And Articles William D. Welge is a recognized historian and author relative to American Indians, the history of Oklahoma and the southwest. With more than thirty years of experience researching in archives and libraries, Welge uses a mix of primary and some secondary sources in his lectures. He also endeavors to present the events as they happened with the cause and consequences and how they affected the people and their surroundings. Included will be a timeline of events as well as a selected bibliography to aid further research on the subject. Presentations & Workshops The Trail of Tears Resources for Researching Your…

  • Military History

    Niccolo Machiavelli

    May 3, 1469: On this day in 1469, the Italian philosopher and writer Niccolo Machiavelli is born. A lifelong patriot and diehard proponent of a unified Italy, Machiavelli became one of the fathers of modern political theory. Machiavelli entered the political service of his native Florence by the time he was 29. As defense secretary, he distinguished himself by executing policies that strengthened Florence politically. He soon found himself assigned diplomatic missions for his principality, through which he met such luminaries as Louis XII of France, Pope Julius II, the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I, and perhaps most importantly for Machiavelli, a prince of the Papal States named Cesare Borgia.…