African-American Achievements

Fact #1 Soccer phenom Freddy Adu was the youngest athlete to play in a professional American sports league. Fact #2 The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre at Stratford-upon-Avon honored Ira Aldridge with a bronze plaque. He is the only African-American actor to receive this tribute. Fact #3 BET was the first African-American controlled company to sell shares … Read more

Tallest Buildings in the World

The race is always on. Within the span of just two years, the world’s tallest building was built three times in New York City – the 282.5-meter Bank of Manhattan in 1930, the 319-meter Chrysler Building in a few months after, and then 11 months later the 381-meter Empire State Building in 1931. The era … Read more

American Flag’s History & Proper Display

Congress first approved the flag on June 14, 1777. Link to PDF This date is now observed as Flag Day throughout America. It was first stated that there be a star and stripe for each state, making thirteen of both. Over the years, the number of stars has been changed to include one star for … Read more

Levitt Houses

A Brief History of Levittown, New York Few communities in America are as easily recognizable by name as Levittown, New York. In addition to its distinction as the childhood home of world famous singer/songwriter, Billy Joel, (who was actually raised in a Levitt home in nearby Hicksville) Levittown is the model on which scores of … Read more