Discovery of the North Pole
There is controversy over who the true discoverer of the North Pole really is. There is no doubt, however, that Frederick Albert Cook (June 10, 1865 – August 5, 1940) American explorer and physician, along with another American explorer, Robert Edwin Peary, Sr. (May 6, 1856 – February 20, 1920), both claimed (though separately achieved) to have reached the ultimate unconquered destination of the era; the frozen unknown at the geographic north point of the Earth’s axis of rotation, where children imagine Santa Claus lives. (A caveat is not to confuse geographic north with magnetic north). We are referring to the discovery of geographic north. Featured the detailed map showing Cook…
The Iron Curtain
Map of Iron Curtain
History of the American Birthday Celebration
Birthday celebrations in America crossed over the line between a few rich and celebrated individuals to the rest of us, sometime around 1860 – 1880. We can thank two factors for this change in emphasis. Children became seen less for their economic necessity, as workers, and valued more emotionally, as individuals and as beloved family members. Therefore, worthy of celebration for just being alive. Also, the production of household and workplace clocks became widespread, quite a change from the rare clock of the preindustrial period. The clock along with the time focus of factory work and the like, street cars etc., made Americans much more time conscious. Because of these…
The Fall of the Berlin Wall
Following the defeat of Germany at the end of World War ll, the city of Berlin became divided. The Soviets took over the eastern side, while the west was controlled by the major Western Allies. This created not only a geographical division, but also one in ideology as well. The Iron Curtain Map The Berlin Wall was first erected during the night of August 13, 1961 by East German soldiers using bricks and barbed wire. Over a period of time the brick and wire were replaced by a high, concrete wall. Guard towers were built allowing day and night, armed surveillance. This divide separated family and friends from each other.…
The Impeachment Trial of Donald J. Trump
On Saturday, February 13, 2021, the Senate acquitted Donald J. Trump for the second time. Former President Trump is the first president to be impeached more than one time. The single article of impeachment was for the charge of incitement of insurrection; an insurrection that occurred on January 6, 2021 immediately following a preplanned “Save America” rally, featuring Donald Trump. The mob headed to the capital at the direction of Trump, “let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue” . They preceded to storm the capital in order to stop the counting of certified electoral votes resulting in a violent interference of the peaceful transfer of power to officiate president elect Joe Biden.…