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Woody Guthrie’s Only Novel Published Posthumously
Though primarily a song writer and essayist, Oklahoma’s folk hero Woody Guthrie also managed to write a work of fiction about the historic Dust Bowl. The book “House of Earth” was released Febuary 5, 2013, decades after Woody’s death on October 3, 1967. According to Guthrie’s daughter, Nora Guthrie, “He always wrote to be heard.” The historian Douglas Brinkley and actor Johnny Depp are helping to make his wish “to be heard” an even greater reality than already seen through his songs and essays. Brinkley, while working on a biography of Bob Dylan, came across the unpublished novel in his research and made the decision to pursue bringing the work to life from…
Pacific Ring of Fire a Volatile Place
The Aleutian island chain, Andes mountains of South America and the Micronesia tropics make up the geographical region known as the “Ring of Fire.” Plates underlying these areas on the Earth are made up of subduction zones. These are zones where oceanic tectonic plate go under a continental plate or another oceanic plate. This results in the increased volcanic and earthquake activity we have seen throughout history in this aptly named “Pacific Ring of Fire”. The Solomon Islands are a part of this geographically volitile place, which saw a magnitude 8 earthquake in its nearby region today, Febuary 6, 2013, and has resulted in a Tsunami warning. Tsunamis are the sometimes seen side effect when earthquakes rattle the…
Super Earthquakes in History
1. Chile 1960 05 22 9.5 -38.29 -73.05 Kanamori, 1977 2. Prince William Sound, Alaska 1964 03 28 9.2 61.02 -147.65 Kanamori, 1977 3. Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra 2004 12 26 9.1 3.30 95.78 Park et al., 2005 4. Near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan 2011 03 11 9.0 38.322 142.369 PDE 5. Kamchatka 1952 11 04 9.0 52.76 160.06 Kanamori, 1977 6. Offshore Maule, Chile 2010 02 27 8.8 -35.846 -72.719 PDE 7. Off the Coast of Ecuador 1906 01 31 8.8 1.0 -81.5 Kanamori, 1977 8. Rat Islands, Alaska 1965 02 04 8.7 51.21 178.50 Kanamori, 1977 9. Northern Sumatra, Indonesia 2005 03 28…
A List of the Fieriest Mountains
Mount Vesuvius Krakatoa Mount St. Helens Mount Tambora Mauna Loa Eyjafjallajokull Mount Pelée Thera Nevado del Ruiz Mount Pinatubo Read more: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/completelist/0,29569,2014572,00.html #ixzz2K7pFiLu5