One of the Largest Financial Frauds in United States History – Research History
American Business,  Crime,  Economic History

One of the Largest Financial Frauds in United States History

Bernie Madoff was at once family man, trusted friend, business success story, and one of the most notorious Ponzi Scheme Kingpins in history. His scheme  devastated the lives of thousands including his own family.

By all appearances the Madoffs were to be envied. They flew in private jets living the high life of luxury, but the stability of their American Dream was fragile built upon the shifty foundation of fraud.

The decades long gig was finally up, when Madoff was arrested on December 11, 2008. He was surprised by the FBI in the early morning hours, while still dressed in his pajamas.

Upon hearing the big confession his sons did not wait, as their father had requested, but instead immediately turned Madoff in to the authorities.  The curtain had been pulled back. They now knew who their father really was and the awful lie he had been hiding for all those years.

Bernie was a success, but his success was not built on hard work and exceptional business acumen. The truth coming out was inevitable despite Bernie’s grand delusion amid years of successful evasion. It all fell apart as many investors began calling in to withdraw their money (for some their entire life savings had been placed in Madoff’s care) in the wake of the 2008 Great Recession.

Who was this person capable of such monstrous deceit? A man who apparently could sleep soundly beside his wife Ruth in their Upper East Side apartment, while living the high life off other peoples savings. To learn more read the article in Town and Country  How Bernie Madoff took His Family Down .