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    Dark Lake Untouched by Light for More Than 20 Million Years

    Scientists close to entering Vostok, Antarctica’s biggest subglacial lake By Marc Kaufman, Published: January 31 After drilling for two decades through more than two miles of antarctic ice, Russian scientists are on the verge of entering a vast, dark lake that hasn’t been touched by light for more than 20 million years. Scientists are enormously excited about what life-forms might be found there but are equally worried about contaminating the lake with drilling fluids and bacteria, and the potentially explosive “de-gassing” of a body of water that has especially high concentrations of oxygen and nitrogen. To prevent a sudden release of gas, the Russian team will not push the drill far…

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    Anne Frank Biography

       Quick Facts NAME: Anne Frank BIRTH DATE: June 12, 1929 DEATH DATE: March 1945 PLACE OF BIRTH: Frankfurt, Germany PLACE OF DEATH: Lower Saxony, Germany Originally: Annelies Marie Frank Best Known For Anne Frank is a Jewish girl that had to go into hiding during WW II. She is best known for the diary that she kept, which continues to touch people today. Synopsis Anne Frank is one of the most famous Jewish victims of the Holocaust because of the diary she kept during her time in hiding before being captured by the Nazis. She was only 13 years old when she and her family went into hiding. The…

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    The Woodward Tornado of 1947 Remembered

    The Woodward News April 8, 2007 Tornado survivors recall a strange day http://woodwardnews.net/x1156004445/Tornado-survivors-recall-a-strange-day It was a strange and eerie day. Gloria Schneider Fothergill remembers parts of April 9, 1947 quite clearly. “It was a very strange looking day most of the day,” said Fothergill, who was nine years old at the time. “It was a red sky.” “Mama always said that the air kind of had a sulphur smell,” said Fothergill’s younger sister, Lavera Schneider Haller, who was seven years old at the time. “The air was just unstable.” “It was muggy, I remember, and so hot,” said Sabra Rodgers who was six years old in 1947. The citizens of…

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    Tornado History in the United States

    Help for tornado victims Catholic Charities USA Convoy of Hope Red Cross Operation Blessing International Salvation Army Samaritan’s Purse Team Rubicon United Way of the Plains Volunteer Branson Storm Prediction Center / The 25 Deadliest http://www.spc.noaa.gov/faq/tornado/ NOTE: Having happened before the era of comprehensive damage surveys, some of these events may have been composed of multiple tornadoes along a damage path. Death counts for events in the 1800s and early 1900s should be treated as estimates, since recordkeeping of tornado deaths was erratic back then. DATE LOCATION(S) DEATHS 1 18 Mar 1925 Tri-State (MO/IL/IN) 695 2 06 May 1840 Natchez MS 317 3 27 May 1896 St. Louis MO 255…