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    Rush for 1940 Census Records

    Archives bends under rush for 1940 census records; share your family stories By Bill Dedman Investigative Reporter, msnbc.com April 2, 2012, 10:26 am MSN.com Update: The National Archives had said it wasn’t sure whether its computers could handle the load, and delays were reported. In Springfield, Ohio, Facebook user Val Lough commented on our page: “It’s very sweet of them to put all of these records on line. It would be even nicer of them to make the records VISIBLE. None of them will download, I have a browser window opening that’s ‘loading’ the documents and has been for about 20 minutes. You might want to find out what their…

  • Church History

    Pope John Paul II Dies

    Apr 2, 2005 On this day in 2005, John Paul II, history’s most well-traveled pope and the first non-Italian to hold the position since the 16th century, dies at his home in the Vatican. Six days later, two million people packed Vatican City for his funeral, said to be the biggest funeral in history. John Paul II was born Karol Jozef Wojtyla in Wadowice, Poland, 35 miles southwest of Krakow, in 1920. After high school, the future pope enrolled at Krakow’s Jagiellonian University, where he studied philosophy and literature and performed in a theater group. During World War II, Nazis occupied Krakow and closed the university, forcing Wojtyla to seek…

  • Uncategorized

    Grandma Moses Is Dead at 101

    December 14, 1961 OBITUARY Grandma Moses Is Dead at 101; Primitive Artist ‘Just Wore Out’ Special to THE NEW YORK TIMES HOOSICK FALLS, N. Y., Dec. 13–Grandma Moses, the spry, indomitable “genuine American primitive” who became one of the country’s most famous painters in her late seventies, died here today at the age of 101. She died at the Hoosick Falls Health Center, where she had been a patient since August, after a fall at her home in nearby Eagle Bridge. Her physician, Dr. Clayton E. Shaw, said she had died of hardening of the arteries, but the best way to describe the cause of death, he suggested, was to…

  • Nobel Peace Prize

    Aung San Suu Kyi Biography

    The Nobel Peace Prize 1991 Aung San Suu Kyi Biography* 1942: September 6. Marriage of Aung San, commander of the Burma Independence Army, and Ma Khin Kyi (becoming Daw Khin Kyi), senior nurse of Rangoon General Hospital, where he had recovered from the rigours of the march into Burma. 1945: June 19. Aung San Suu Kyi born in Rangoon, third child in family. “Aung San” for father, “Kyi” for mother, “Suu” for grandmother, also day of week of birth. Favourite brother is to drown tragically at an early age. The older brother, will settle in San Diego, California, becoming United States citizen. 1947: July 19. General Aung San assassinated. Suu…

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    History of the Penny

    Published: March 30, 2012 By: HISTORY.COM STAFF 10 Things You Didn’t Know About the Penny Canada will remove its pennies from circulation this year, following in the footsteps of Australia, Sweden and several other countries, finance minister Jim Flaherty announced yesterday. Is the humble coin’s American cousin next in line to lose its currency? As various groups weigh both sides of the debate, explore the history of the penny in the United States and beyond. (Credit: Tim Boyle/Getty Images) 1. The word “penny” and its variations across Europe—including the German “pfennig” and the Swedish “penning”—originally denoted any sort of coin or money, not just a small denomination. 2. Offa, an…