Historical Revolutions – Research History
Civil Rights

Historical Revolutions

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Revolutions throughout history have been fought by those seeking freedom from the crushing hand of their despotic rulers.

More recently there are the extraordinary pro-democracy rebellions in the Middle East, referred to as Arab Spring, where revolts against years of oppression are breaking out.

One of the first and most drastic outcries of Arab Spring against the oppression in the Middle East was in 2010, when a Tunisia man chose to burn himself to death in protest of his ill treatment by the police.

Historical Revolutions

The American Revolution (1775-1783)

The Haitian Revolution (1794-1804)

The French Revolution (1789-1799)

The Russian Revolution (1917)

The 1956 Hungarian Revolution

The Cuban Revolution (1956-1959)

The Iranian Revolution (1978-1979)

The Nicaraguan Revolution (1979)