
Buzz Aldrin Made History in 1969 with Walk on Moon

NASA / Reuters file
Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin faces the camera as he walks on the moon in July 1969. The picture was taken by mission commander Neil Armstrong.


Buzz Aldrin along with Neil Armstrong on this day in history, July 20, back in 1969, accomplished the amazing journey to the moon. Here are some interesting facts about his life.

  • Aldrin’s mother’s maiden name was Moon.
  • The first plane he ever flew in belonged to Standard Oil and was completely covered with a painting of an eagle. The name of the craft that Aldrin and Armstrong used to break away from the Apollo 11 rocket and land on the moon was Eagle. The eagle is also featured on a patch on Aldrin’s spacesuit.
  • As a child, Aldrin enjoyed underwater diving and collecting rocks. As an adult, Aldrin trained for his space missions by simulating weightlessness under water, and one of his primary tasks on the Apollo mission was to collect moon rocks.

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