The First Mother’s Day
The First Mother’s Day
Richard Cavendish
May 10th, 1908
Richard Cavendish marks the birth of a day commemorating mothers.
Julia Ward Howe, of ‘Battle Hymn of the Republic’ fame, tried to start a Mother’s Day for Peace in America after the Civil War, but nothing much came of it. One of her allies, however, was Anna Reece Jarvis, who died in Philadelphia in 1905. A memorial service was held for her at the Methodist church in Grafton, West Virginia, where she had taught Sunday school, at which her daughter, Anna May Jarvis, a feminist and temperance activist, was struck by the idea of a national day to honour mothers.
Mother’s Day may have been partly inspired by Mothering Sunday, which is much older. Observed on the fourth Sunday in Lent, this was a Christian festival celebrating Mother Church, rather than individual mothers, but it was a time when families gathered at their local church, which meant that family members who had left home would see their mothers once again and would often take gifts for them.
Richard Cavendish is a longstanding contributor to History Today, having penned dozens of the Months Past columns. He is also author of Kings and Queens: The Concise Guide.
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